Welcome to Red Pen Reviews!

We created Red Pen Reviews to help people like you evaluate the information quality of the health and nutrition books you read or are thinking about buying. Ultimately, our goal is to change the incentive structure of the publishing industry by forging a link between a book’s accuracy and its popularity. We intend to become the default resource for anyone who wants to evaluate a book’s information quality. Red Pen Reviews is a registered charitable organization.

We plan to review nearly all new popular health and nutrition books written for a general audience– and a few classics as well.

Do you support our mission and want to help? There are several ways to do so:

  • Donate to Red Pen Reviews. This will be essential for the long-term existence of the organization, since we currently rely entirely on individual donations. Donations will primarily go toward helping us pay our expert reviewers a reasonable wage for the substantial amount of time it takes to write reviews.
  • Tell everyone about us! Word of mouth, social media, it all helps. The more people we reach, the more effectively we can advance our mission.
  • If you have a master’s degree or higher in a relevant field of science, consider applying to become a reviewer. We’re looking for people who are knowledgeable, objective, have good writing skills, and want to have a positive impact on the world through public engagement. Contact us at contact@redpenreviews.org to apply.